Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Behind the Scenes, Fisheye Rooftop Edition

Well, Happy New Year!

As I expected, I had dinner and a glass of champagne with John, finished a movie I was watching for 2 days now, and went to bed before midnight.  It's just that kind of celebrations are not my jam anymore.  What I love, however, is having the energy to get up fairly early the morning after, go running, wash the car while music is blasting over the sleepy suburban neighborhood, do my nails, take a shower, and go for a drive, because the new year is sunny and bright and fresh and all mine!

The few images below are courtesy of my friend Parisa, who has these cute iPhone interchangeable lenses, including a fisheye.  It inspires me to go ahead and try saving up for a wide angle optics this year.  Exciting, isn't it!

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