Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I just finished editing these images and I have to say I am SUPER excited to share them with you.  This Thanksgiving vacation wasn't much of a vacation, but it was abundant with every possible amazing photo opportunity you can think of.

There are sunsets, sunrises, night shots, flares, bokeh, reflections, long exposures, light painting, portraits, animals, landscapes, woods and mountains, city settings, the ocean, still life, shadows, silhouettes, mist...oh boy.  I have rarely been so lucky to have such a variety.

We went to a petting zoo, then off to Monterey for a night, and ended up in Tassajara for a mini-family reunion.  It was a splendid weekend.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


After Johnny and I played with bubbles yesterday I noticed that my back yard was practically covered with them, so I took my macro lens and all I have to say is that I ended up with a hell of a crazy hair.

Also, I love the faux fisheye effect in these.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Shoreline Sunday

This weekend Parisa showed me her happy place - Shoreline Park in Mountain View, where we watched the sun descent behind big masses of irriguous clouds and took photos of a waterline bejeweled with birds and yellow California grass.  I loved the way the quality of the light gradually changed, and with it, the entire landscape turned dramatic, provoking a certain kind of longing.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Once In July...

I had almost forgotten about this roll of film, but I am glad that I finally came around to develop it.  It is hands down the best collection of analog images I've taken so far.  The exposure settings at places are a bit off, and there's a pretty radical light leak in the beginning, but I've nailed the focus, and I absolutely LOVE everything about the subjects in the photos - my Mom is here, Shelby too, some friends, my lovely in-laws, John with his long hair (swoon!), and of course, 2 month old Johnny boy with his cute little feets, dark newborn eyes, and almost no hair.  Also, it all enfolds in our old apartment, where the lighting was just brilliant. Ah, good times!

Zenit E, Kodak Portra 400

My Affair With Canon

My friend Parisa shared her Rebel with me the other night, and I must say I love the result.  Looks like she's willing to inspire me to get out of my comfortable photography zone (namely, shooting flowers and trees in suburbia) and hopefully we'll see some new interesting locations and subjects here on the blog soon!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

If the Mountain Won't Come to Muhammad....

Once again I found myself in want of new and interesting subjects and places to photograph, and no time to go out and find them.  So I just took a look at my immediate surroundings, and found this.

Thanks to my friend and neighbor Parisa, who was so kind to pose for me!

P.S. The fall light is AMAZING.